Matheus L. D. Araújo, Ph.D.

"There is a difference between knowing the path & walking the path."

Morpheus, The Matrix


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Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at CWRU-CCLCM

Project Staff at Cleveland Clinic


Google Scholar



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Who is Matheus?

Matheus is a "full-stack scientist" who enjoys covering the entire scientific pipeline, from data collection and cleaning to statistical analysis, data modeling, paper writing, conference presentations, and teaching.

He actively researches the emerging area of applied Computer Science in medicine at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation and as faculty at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University. 

In his interdisciplinary research, he addresses sleep medicine challenges by using clinical data to build solutions using machine learning models, natural language processing, and time-series analyses. In the 2010s, Matheus also contributed to the field of Sentiment Analysis and Social Computing.

"My goal is to bridge computer science and health care, transforming people's lives unquestionably better in an optimal way with the resources I have right now."


AI for Healthcare

Sleep Medicine 

Social Computing 

Sentiment Analysis


Applied Statistics

Time-series analysis

Machine Learning 

Deep Learning

Data Visualization

Every child has a chance

Just check this  amazing project

Professional Experience:

Academic Degrees


Here is a list of selected publications. 

For more info check My Google Scholar

Teaching Experience

Grants and Sponsorship Awards


Systems Developed

Open Source Projects:

Used at:

Scientific review and PC member for:


Press Coverage

(Jan/2025) Harnessing the Power of AI for Pediatric Cardiology: An Interview with Matheus Araújo

(Nov/2023) Study links sleep disorder with increased risk of irregular heart rhythm

(Aug/2023) Machine Learning May Streamline Identification of Central Hypersomnolence Disorders

(Feb/2023) Panelist at ATS (American Thoracic Society) for a TwitterChat on "An Additional Year of Sleep Training: Opportunity versus Opportunity Cost?"

PhysioNet Challenge Nets Success ( Maiby’s Algorithm: A Two-stage Deep Learning approach for Murmur Detection in Mel Spectrograms for Automatic Auscultation of Congenital Heart Disease​)

(Bloomberg) Inspire Medical Systems, Inc. Announces Events at SLEEP 2022, the 36th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep

Ex-aluno afirma que o DCC abriu seus olhos para a pesquisa e para o mundo, além de trazer autoconfiança no conhecimento que recebeu para traçar o próprio caminho

Sneak Peek: The Algorithm That Will Change Pediatric Cardiac Screening

How Artificial Intelligence Will Save Kids’ Hearts

International student TAs conquer language barriers

As máquinas sabem o que você faz. Agora querem saber o que você sente

Entrevista: Matheus Araújo, Pesquisador em Machine Learning

Erdos Number: 4

Matheus Araujo -> Ingmar Weber -> Zvi Lotker -> Noga Alon -> Paul Erdos

Mathematical Descendancy: Carl Friedrich Gauss

Matheus Araujo (2021*) -> Jaideep Srivastava (1988) -> Chittoor Vijayaraghavalu Ramamoorthy (1964) -> Donald Winston Tufts (1960) -> Norbert Wiener (1913) -> Karl Schmidt (1898) -> Paul Gerhard Natorp (1881) -> Hermann Cohen (1873) -> Friedrich Albert Lange (1851) - > Julius Plücker (1823) -> Christian Ludwig Gerling (1812) -> Carl Friedrich Gauß (1799)

Personal Definitions

"Artificial Intelligence is any kind of object crafted  by an intelligent being that has the purpose of mimicking its creator behavior partially or totally in a non-trivial way."

"Truth is the projection of the reality in a communication medium after passing through an observer's lens."

by Leticia Araujo